Cattle Rearing in Baturraden

For the last two years, Superior Livestock Breeding Center (BBPTU) Baturraden in BanyumasRegency, Central Java,has developed a semi-extensiverearing method, acombination of in-cage and out-cage rearing. Asexplained by head of BBPTU Baturraden Ali Rahman,this method has proven to increase the efficiency oflabor and feed.


In-cage rearing is more costly since cattle should be washed and fed, Ali explained. However, with out-cage rearing system, the cattle get 40-50 % of their feed intake in the pasture. "In terms of the first heating period, it is usuallysooner than the cattlekept in cages, about 1-2 months early. The level of cattle welfare is also much better,"added Ali.


According to Ali, the center has 4 units of farm. First, Tegal Sari unit coversan area of ​​34,802 ha, which isfor cattle housing, grazing and grassplanting.Second, Munggang Sariunit hasan area of ​​10,098 ha for internship sites. Next, Limpakuwuswith an area of96,787 ha is intended for cattle housing and grassplanting.Finally,Mangala with an area of ​​100 ha is provided for cattle rearing, whichhas been developed with grazing system.


The total population in BBPTU Baturraden, Ali added, was around1,250 dairy cowsof Fries Holstein (FH)type, consisting of 1,000 females (700 parents and 300 hiefers), about 100 young males toundergogerm (zuriat) testand the restare calves.


Furthermore, Ali explained, Mangalagrazing area has just operated about30 ha,15 ha of which is forforage area for cattle (HTP), such asking grass and gamal. There are also such facilities asfreestall, feed shed and HPTbarn. "In total,we have justutilized​​60 ha, and next year we are planning to open 30 ha of pastures," added Ali.


Ali describedthe procedure technically. Calvesgo into Mangala at age about 4 months (new weaning). The calves are the result of internal cows of BBPTU Baturradenwhich have been selectedin terms of theirfeasibility. Each batch, Aliinformed, the number of calves sent to Mangala is50 heads. Currently, there are300 cattle in Manggala. "Taking the calves from the center is in line with ourefforts to accelerate the enlargement of the calves. The main criteriaof the calvesare they are not disabled, theircolorshould be according to that ofFHtype, and they are not infected withectoparasite disease, "he explained.


Calves which passed the selection andentered Mangala have a chance to have their staminarecovered, to consume morevitamins and to undergo furthertreatment to make their condition stable. Furthermore, they go through adaptation process approximately 2-7 days in a cage accordingtoage groups. "And after the adaptation period, the cattle begin to be herdedby age groups. Since Mangalaunit wasinaugurated two years ago, there have beenabout 100 pregnant cows,"said Ali.

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