The Provincial Governmentof DKI Jakarta has closed13chicken holding shelterswhich also serve as slaughtehouses on Jalan PangkalanAsem, Central Jakarta (22/10). It was a follow up of the implementation of Regulation No. 4/2007 on Control,Raisingand Distribution ofPoultry in Jakarta which had stalled.
Head of Marineand Agriculture Agency of DKI JakartaDarjamuni said that so far Perda (Regional Regulation) No.4/2007 had not beenapplieddirectly due to the existingconstraintsin the preparation offacilities and infrastructurefor poultrybusiness players. "Right now we have already prepared several public slaughterhouses likeRawa Kepiting(East Jakarta), Petukangan Utara (South Jakarta), and Kalideres (West Jakarta). Meanwhile,Rorotan(North Jakarta)isin theland acquisition stage,"he explained.
Hesaid that theycontinue toprepare public slaughterhouse in anticipation of the shelter owners who are readyto be moved.For example, in Rawa Kepiting a 1-hectare land area isbeing developedto accomodate poultrybusiness playersfrom Cakungand some other places. "Even in Central Jakarta some players have been trying to find theirownplacesof relocation, although in terms of concept, itis stilltemporary," he said.
The public slaughterhousein Rawa Kepiting hasalready been operatingwith 14 players out of20 players in total.The public slaughterhouseinKalideres can accommodate as many as20-30thousand chickens and in PetukanganUtara55thousand chickens perday, whichis ready for use. In North Jakarta, the public slaughterhouses to accommodatearound20-50 thousand chickensperdayis being prepared.
Head of LivestockDepartment of Marine and Agriculture Agency of Jakarta, AgungPriambodoreasoned that the slowimplementation of Regulation No. 4/2007 is because they arepreparinginfrastructure forrelocation. "Perdathat has beenissued cannot be directly followed up since there should be facilities andinfrastructure to be prepared, including thesocialization ofthe perda to the poultry business playersthattakes a long time," he explained.
The Provincial Governmentof DKI Jakarta has set a targetthat by2017all places to hold and slaughter chickensin Jakartawill have beenrelocated and no live chickensare allowed to enterJakarta. "We alsoanticipateby preparingcool storagesthatcan be done by the government or by cooperating with the private sector," said Darjamuni.
He saidthe closingof the chicken sheltersand chicken houses will bedone gradually. After Central Jakarta, the closinginotherplaces will have beendoneby January 1, 2015 for such areas as Pertukangan and Utan Kayu Selatan.