Buffalo Conservation in Marongge Village

Buffalo are unique ruminant animals known for their resilience, particularly in areas where feed quality is poor. They have an exceptional ability to thrive in harsh environments due to their superior digestibility of crude fiber, which is twice as high as that of cattle. This ability is largely attributed to the presence of specific rumen microbes that aid in breaking down high-fiber feed. Buffalo have more fiber-digesting bacteria compared to other ruminants, helping them process crude fiber more effectively. Additionally, their larger rumen capacity supports quicker rumen development and microbial growth, while their longer rumination period and faster saliva production further assist in digestion.


Buffalo are generally easy for farmers to manage and have a long productive lifespan. They produce a significant amount of meat, with a higher carcass weight than local cattle. The economic value of buffalo is high; a single adult can sell for IDR 20 million, and in some cases, even exceed IDR 35 million, depending on its weight and other characteristics. Traditionally, buffalo have been used as working animals, especially for plowing fields. Renting buffalo for plowing has historically provided an additional income stream for farming families. However, the introduction of tractors has reduced the reliance on buffalo as draft animals in rice farming.


Despite this, in some areas, buffalo continue to be used for plowing, though this has led to a decrease in farmer income. Nowadays, buffalo farming relies more on selling livestock for sacrificial purposes, as breeding stock, for traditional ceremonies, and as a source of meat for high-protein dishes.


Given their unique characteristics, the development of buffalo farming should ideally increase annually. However, this has not been the case in Marongge Village, located in Tomo District, Sumedang Regency, West Java. The buffalo population in Marongge has long been integrated into the natural, social, and cultural fabric of the village, but their numbers have been declining. Currently, only about 300 buffalo remain, a significant decrease from the thousands that once populated the village decades ago. This decline is affecting both food security and community income.


Because these buffalo have been bred for generations, they are considered local animals native to the village, and their preservation is important. To reverse the decline and boost the buffalo population, conservation efforts are necessary.


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